Here is another "Q & A" based on not one conversation in particular, but culled from many similar encounters.
What does it mean to "become a member" of the church? What do I have to say? What do I have to commit to? What if I don't believe everything you believe?
I think that if a person is ready to go on a journey of faith, then that person is ready to claim "membership" in the church. If you can say, "I have decided to follow Jesus," then I think you are ready to join the church.
I have decided to follow Jesus.
Following Jesus means serving others as Jesus served: feeding the hungry, healing the sick, bringing good news to the poor, keeping company with outcasts, loving everyone.
Following Jesus means doing as Jesus taught: forgiving others as we have been forgiven, giving generously to those in need, sharing our possessions, refusing to allow our possessions to own us.
Following Jesus means praying as Jesus prayed, every day, in private, and with others.
Following Jesus means listening to and learning from others, even those who we think have nothing to teach us.
Following Jesus means that we are always on a journey. There is always more to learn, more to pray, more to share, more to do, our whole lives long. Therefore, we walk humbly, knowing that we may never arrive at perfection, but ultimately trusting in God to complete us.
And so I propose this simple covenant become what we promise to each other when we receive new members into the church: We promise to walk together in all God's ways, made known to us through the life of Jesus, the witness of scripture, and the Holy Spirit which continues to reveal to us the height and depth and breadth of God's love.