New Testament: Acts 1:6-14 The ascension of Jesus.
Psalm: Psalm 68:1-10, 32-35 God as the “rider in the sky,” protector of widows & orphans.
Epistle: 1 Peter 4:12-14, 5:6-11 A little more suffering, then God will restore you.
New Testament: John 17:1-11 Jesus’ farewell speech: that they may be one.
“That they may all be one” from this week’s gospel lesson, is on the logo of our United Church of Christ. It was an optimistic choice: this was to be the first of many unions of previously divided protestant churches. Subsequent decades witnessed the union of Methodist (United Methodist), Presbyterian (PC(USA)), and Lutheran (ELCA) denominations, and cooperative Christian advocacy through the World Council of Churches and the National Council of Churches. Our efforts to make peace with our brothers and sisters in Christ are a response to this prayer.
"I have made your name known to those whom you gave me from the world."
In the group tonight, the subject of worship became an examination of the role of music in the service. I understand it was the subject in the small worship group meeting also. It seems sometimes that there is a great divide between the status quo, and a desire for a different style that may appeal to other folks.
This verse strikes me as important in this conversation. How do we make His name known to those in the world? How can we provide a worship experience that helps all people feed the spiritual hunger that worship sates? Can we be inclusive by being exclusive?
Excellent comments, CK. Thank you. Watch for more on that subject soon. Today was newsletter production day at church, so perhaps you and I will have some company on this blog soon.
"That all may be one" and "Making His name known" suggest to me the importance of small group ministry. Grief group, Divorce Recovery group, Sexual Offenders Group, Child Abuse. (and a whole variety of social acting out offenses that we often seek to exclude vs include. These make "loving" a little more challenging.
PS Deb, this Blog as a means of involving the membership is a terrific idea. It has to be more work for you but I feel some real excitement for the potential.
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