Tuesday, September 23, 2008

For Sunday, September 28

Hebrew Bible:
Exodus 17:1-7
Psalm 78:1-4, 12-16
Philippians 2:1-13
New Testament:
Matthew 21:23-32
Theme: God's Sustaining Presence
Sermon: God at Work (for God is at work in you... Phil 2:13)
#27 From All That Dwell Below the Skies
#488 Take My Life, God, Let It Be
#565 God Whose Giving Knows No Ending (v. 1 and 4 only)

This is our Stewardship Sunday, the day we offer our "estimate of giving" forms along with our offering for the day. It is an expression of faith, to submit ourselves to the discipline of regular giving. It is perhaps even more meaningful when it is more difficult.
Generosity is counter-cultural. The messages of the marketplace are "more for me." Advertising is designed to make us feel anxious about what we lack. Jesus advises: do not worry about your life, what to eat, what to wear. God knows what you need, and God provides.
Giving obviously blesses those who receive; but generous giving also blesses the giver with an inexplicable peace. Opening our hands to the poor relaxes our grip on the possessions that possess us. To be able to let go, and then realize, that we are still OK, that we actually have more than enough to live, that is a priceless insight.
God is at work in us. We are not complete, perfect disciples, but we are able to do more than we can ask or imagine when we acknowledge that God is at work within us and through us. Blessing us and blessing others through our generosity.

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