Wednesday, September 3, 2008

For Sunday September 7

Hebrew Bible: Exodus 12:1-14
(Moses institutes a holiday-- the observance of Passover.)
Psalm 149
(Sing and dance, praise the Lord who delights in the humble.)
Epistle: Romans 13:8-14
(The one who loves fulfills the law.)
New Testament: Matthew 18:15-20
(Tell it to the church.)

Sunday Bulletin Theme: Remember, Restore, Renew
Our Focus: "Welcome" Sunday

I remember how, when I was a little girl, I expressed sympathy for Reverend Mellish, our pastor, because, it seemed to me, he always had to be so serious. Somehow I equated a religious nature with a dour expression. I have observed over the years that many of us form that theory, and never experience anything that disproves it.
But here in the scriptures we are commanded to celebrate! We are encouraged to sing and dance! We are ordered to cease from work at regular intervals, to rest and recreate.
Anyone who thinks "churchiness" is serious business should come to a council meeting, and note how much laughter we share around the table. Yes, there is serious work done there too, but we never take ourselves so seriously that we can't laugh at ourselves.
I wonder how many people avoid church because they think it must be morbid. We could do a great service to God and to our neighbors by sharing our joy in worship.
This is Welcome Sunday, which is a good time to call up friends and invite them to church. Choir practice begins at 8:45 a.m., Worship is at 10:00 (as always) and Church School for children begins after worship with an Open House for parents. Adult Forum will start next week.
See you in church.

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