Tuesday, May 11, 2010

What's Your Story?

This summer, at First Congregational UCC, we are going to take a break from the Revised Common Lectionary and create our own list of biblical narratives. Our own Uncommon Lectionary will become the focus of our worship, study and prayer.
So what's your story? What story would you like to hear read and unpacked and examined in a sermon? What story would you like to pray or sing? What story would you like to share with the congregation?
How about an examination of the creation stories (yes, there are more than one)? What about that guy who got swallowed by a whale? What about Ruth and Naomi, the two widows who throw their lot in together?
Take a few moments to think about it. If you were browsing through a used book shop, and the guy looking through the shelf next to you picked up a bible and said, "Do you know if there are any good stories in here?" What would you recommend?

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